"It is not enough to call, to summon, and to wait for people to come. You must be a Church which seeks people out, by personal invitation, from house to house, from street to street, in unflagging efforts." (Saint Pope John Paul II)
That the time for solitary prayer has precedence in our life over direct apostolic work is unquestionable, and if time be needed for anything unexpected, it is to be taken from the direct apostolate, but this does not mean that the apostolate is not considered an absolutely integral part of our call. We take definite steps moreover to reduce the likelihood of the apostolate usurping prayer time, by not accepting parishes, by exercising retreat work in such a way that the ingredients of our life can be sustained, etc. "Being away from the community context overnight is to be an exceedingly rare occurrence and permitted only when unavoidable..." (Constitutions Ch. V, #2)
Our work is to be seen as the expected expression or flowering in Christ of prayer, gratitude and zeal for God’s glory, in accord with Jesus’ own generous heart to save and sanctify His Brothers and Sisters for the glory of His Father.
"That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me." (John 17: 21)