Some Sisters at Picnic
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The Religious Communities of Brothers and Sisters have separate refectories. After a short reading at the noon and evening meals during which we serve ourselves, we have a sharing. Fraternal love in Christ requires us to be of real support to each other at these times, especially through conversation which seeks to foster our growing together in our mutual spiritual orientation.
Each branch has a weekly period of recreation. This is normally led by the Superior with enough flexibility of form that will allow, in a family spirit, the time to be spent in singing, in spiritual discussions, etc.
Every year, especially on Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter, Foundation Day, and Thanksgiving Day, both branches of the Society gather for a meal and sharing in the library or at some suitable place on the property.
Occasionally there are walks and picnics on the property or at some suitable place outside of it, having in view a mutual rejoicing in Our Heavenly Father’s holy presence in nature, and especially a facilitating of closer boundedness in Christ among the members of His household.” (Const. p. 29)